

Myrick Consulting Services

FoxPro and Visual FoxPro Services

Our Speciality

We specialize in FoxPro and Visual FoxPro programming and migration.  We been working with FoxPro since FoxPro 2.6 was first introduced in 1992. Our extensive experience gives us exceptional knowledge of the ins and outs of FoxPro.

For more than 25 years we have been migrating older dBase, Clipper, FoxPro and Visual FoxPro systems into current technology.  Our experience makes the difference!

We can fix your old application and data or enhance then. As long as you have the source code, then we can fix or update your application. If you don't have the source code, then we can recreate it in Visual FoxPro or the platform of your choice. In most cases, we can fix corrupted data files. Where that is not possible, we can recreate them.

If you have a FoxPro or Visual FoxPro application that you want migrated to a new platform, then you have come to the right place.

FoxPro Logo

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Why Visual FoxPro

Visual FoxPro is a highly flexible programming and database management system. Besides the unparalleled programming language and data access speeds, Visual FoxPro offers an inexpensive solution for application development. Unlike many other platforms, Visual FoxPro allows a developer to create single or multi-user applications that are fully self contained. With a Visual FoxPro application the end user is not required to have a license for Visual FoxPro. This frees companies and developers from expensive royalties and license fees based on the number of users. A compiled Visual FoxPro application can have as many users as the application design can handle without any extra fees.

Visual FoxPro (version 9) is fully compatible with XP, Vista, Windows 7 through Windows 11. It can even work with alternative database managers, such as MySQL and MsSQL. The ability to work with other database managers allows VFP applications to handle significantly larger data sets.

The bottom line is that a Visual FoxPro application has the potential for a very long life, returning to your company many dividends. As such, they can be a valuable investment.

The Visual FoxPro programming language is far more robust than current programming languages.   While it fully supports object orientend programming, the language does not have the limitations and dependencies found in most .NET languages.  Also, the fact that a Visual FoxPro application can be compiled into an executable file, not an interpreted file, limits your exposure to external security risks.  A Visual FoxPro application can even be encrypted during the compile process which secures your code from external threats and those who would attempt to decompile and copy your source code. In addition, field and table level security is available to provide extensive data security for your sensitive information.

Visual FoxPro and SQL

New Applications

We continue to develop new, robust applications for clients across the U.S. and Canada. Some of these application have used other database systems, including MySQL and MS Sequel Server. All of them have provided our clients with a user friendly, inexpensive and easy to maintain custom application.

A Little History

FoxPro was first introduced by Fox Software in 1984 and was based on the dBase programming language syntax. It quickly secured a top place in the desktop application market, due to its robust programming language and remarkable data access speed.

In 1992 FoxPro was purchased by Microsoft.  Shortly after purchasing FoxPro, Microsoft released the first Visual FoxPro version (VFP 3.0).  The last version of Visual FoxPro was released by Microsoft in 2008.   Visual FoxPro has been widely accepted throughout the programming industry.  Both government agencies and businesses of all types and sizes have used FoxPro and Visual FoxPro applications for critical enterprise level functions.

There are also a wide variety and a large number of off the shelf applications that are based on Visual FoxPro.

FoxPro 2.6 for Unix (FOXU26) has been installed on Linux using the Intel Binary Compatibility Standard support library.

The Future

Microsoft, in their usual profit sighted only approach ended their support for Visual FoxPro in 2016.  Simply put, it did not fit their structure of license fees and vision of a world where users are completely dependent upon them.  After considerable pressure from users around the world Microsoft made Visual FoxPro available as an open source application through CodePlex.  Visual FoxPro experts are working together to expand and improve Visual FoxPro.

64Bit VFP Compiler and C++ VFP Compiler

A Chinese developer created a 64bit Visual FoxPro compiler and a VFP to C++ Compiler.  This new version has tested well and is being used by many VFP developers.  We will use it upon request to convert a 32bit application to 64bit.


Visual FoxPro applications can still out perform .NET applications and they are also easier to develop and maintain. Visual FoxPro is compatible with Windows 7 through Windows 11, which leaves the door open for a long useful life for any Visual FoxPro application.

Free Estimates

Where possible we will provide you with a free estimate as to the cost of a migration, new development or in some cases, maintenance for your existing application.  

Call us today to learn more.

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